Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Advertising Specialist
  • Freelance Writer
  • Grant Writer
  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Lawyer
  • Lexicographer
  • Librarian
  • Market Researcher
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Teacher

For individuals who

对文学、语言和写作感兴趣. Appreciate seeing perspectives through writing. Enjoy articulating ideas through writing.  

Looking for

Flexibility to follow multiple interests, including linguistics, creative, technical and professional writing. 文科学位可以用来继续深造,比如法学院或咨询专业.

To become

  • Author
  • Copywriter
  • Journalist
  • Publishing
  • Technical Writing

The Program

英语系提供文学学士学位.A.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English as well as a B.A. and a B.S. in English education. Departmental offerings include:

B.A. and B.S. in English -这些学位要求在第一年的写作课程之外获得45个英语学分. The B.A. 学位要求至少精通一门英语以外的语言, 通常是该语言的14个学分. The B.S. degree requires a minor. 英语学习单一专业的灵活性意味着学生可以把重点放在文学课程上, linguistics, writing studies, or a balance of these.

B.A. and B.S. in English Education -这些学位要求除第一年作文外的39学分英语课程和34学分教育课程. The B.A. 学位要求至少精通一门英语以外的语言, 通常是该语言的14个学分. The B.S. 英语教育学位(含沟通选项)要求在沟通课程中获得20个学分,并获得英语和演讲认证. 英语教育专业的学生应联系教育学院或英语教育顾问了解其他要求.

有两门辅修课程:英语和创意写作. 除了第一年的写作,这两门辅修课程都要求至少21个英语学分.

创意写作——这门辅修课程为学生提供了七门旨在培养分析能力的课程, writing skills, 以及对学生自身创作过程的理解.


  • 文学选修课——辅修英语的这一选修课让学生有机会广泛阅读文学作品, develop analytical skills, and hone writing skills. Courses include Literary Analysis, literature survey courses, elective literature and film courses, and one writing course.
  • 写作研究选项-英语辅修课程的这一选项为学生提供了创造性和专业性写作的机会, 探索新兴的通信技术. Courses include Introduction to Writing Studies, elective writing courses, 还有一门高级文学或语言学课程.

Community/Student Involvement Opportunities

英语系为英语专业的学生和辅修学生提供了丰富的课外活动选择. 学生们通过参加英语俱乐部和英语荣誉社团来培养领导能力和计划能力, Sigma Tau Delta. 他们通过英语会话圈与国际学生一起练习英语口语, 他们还创办并编辑了一本年度文学杂志, Northern Eclecta. 部门办公室套房包括一个协作和创意空间,供本科生使用, 学生可以在哪里学习或做项目, or share lunch and conversation with other majors. 英语课程经常与当地的一些非营利组织合作, 鼓励英语专业的学生去实习, co-ops, and field experiences, 定期在当地行业寻找机会, non-profits, and government offices.

Career Opportunities

Traditional careers in English studies, such as teaching, and professional and technical writing, are currently in high demand in our region, and the abilities to think critically, to synthesize information, and to write and speak with precision, clarity, and effectiveness are valuable in any career. 因此,许多公司都在寻找英语专业或辅修专业的员工. 对技术和专业作家的需求一直在增长, and many companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies hire English majors. 英语专业的学生还需要掌握项目管理技能和团队合作能力, which make them desirable employees. Former and current students are employed in writing intensive and/or training positions; some start their own businesses. 一些英语专业毕业生寻求专业学位(法律), library science, ministry, (医学)或在获得B后立即获得英语研究生学位.A. or B.S.; some choose these options as career changes later in life.

High School Preparation

超出大学入学所需的核心课程要求, 学生应该有一个英语准备,包括经常阅读大多数文学流派和广泛的写作经验.


The Department of English awards more than $8,英国学生定期获得富布赖特奖学金. Contact the department for details.

  • Hal and Alice Dickey Memorial Scholarship – awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior.
  • Professor Ralph Engel Scholarship -授予在乐虎电子完成至少21个学分的专业学生.
  • Marjory Archer Haggart Memorial Scholarship – awarded biennially to a sophomore or junior.
  • G. 威尔逊·亨特和菲利斯·克兰兹·亨特奖学金 – awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior.
  • Madeline S. Gittings Endowed Scholarship – awarded to two or three students each year.
  • Mart and Lois Vogel Award for Excellence – awarded to one or two upper-class students.
  • Richard L. Johnson Scholarship – 授予从事文学研究的研究生.
  • Rooney Scholarship – awarded to a graduate student.
  • English Faculty Award -授予一至两名获得15至45学分的学生.